
How to know when it’s time to give up alcohol: 8 warning signs

Drinking alcohol spoils your life and health, even when it seems at first glance that you have everything under control. In this article, we’ll tell you when to sound the alarm, more on https://optimist.pw.

1. Your skin is deteriorating Dryness and wrinkles are not always “symptoms” of age. Alcohol can cause dehydration, which makes you thirsty the morning after a fun evening. Because of alcohol water more actively leaves the subcutaneous tissue, and with it the elasticity of the skin decreases. It is easy to check this: pinch yourself and see at what speed the fold will return to its original appearance – after drinking drinks with a degree the skin will recover more slowly. In addition, pores may become more prominent, cheekbones may lose their sharpness and “flatten” and skin may begin to sag and peel. At first, such changes can still be disguised with cosmetics. But long-term alcohol consumption leads to the loss of vitamins responsible for the accumulation of collagen (the protein that makes the skin smooth and elastic). ??10 Principles of Ikigai: Japanese Philosophy of Happiness In the long run, alcohol addiction often leads to permanent (and not at all healthy) blush and vascular networking – these are the consequences of capillary ruptures, which occur due to blood clotting.

2. Your weight is growing Ethyl alcohol activates the cells in the brain that are responsible for hunger. That’s why a bar hangout so often ends up in a cafe with fast food. But even without any additional products, alcohol provides the body with a lot of calories: 0.5 liter of beer contains 239 calories (as much as 100 grams of pastry). Extra weight is gained not only by the amount of calories but also by the damage that alcohol inflicts on the digestive tract. Highly alcoholic beverages can fill the medical record with various diagnoses. Medics associate drinking alcohol with an increased risk of oral, intestinal and laryngeal cancers. And it seems that everyone knows that alcohol is not good for the liver and pancreas.

3. There are no non-drinking friends left in the environment ??Millionaire syndrome: Why are rich people more cruel? People with alcohol dependence gradually develop a specific social circle: only those with whom you can have a drink are on your list of friends. Everything that prevents you from drinking alcohol (work, family, children, household chores and pets) – goes into the category of “burden”. Identifying such companies in your environment is simple: before meeting them, the question “What shall we do?” is replaced by “What shall we drink?”. Caring loved ones and indications of abuse begin to cause irritation. And this kind of reaction can also be a marker of the onset of addiction. Alcohol consumption stimulates the production of endorphins, but this effect is short-lived: after taking off, the artificially created level of happiness will quickly fall, and then the body will demand more fun. Attempts of relatives to break this vicious circle can be perceived by the pleasure-hungry brain in a very unfriendly way.

4. More and more often you hear the question: “How can you not remember?” It’s not just that in the morning people sometimes can’t remember vivid episodes of a high-degree evening. Alcohol is a killer of brain cells and therefore of memory in general. ??The practice of running. Why is it good not only for your body, but also for your mind? An Oxford study showed that high degrees harm the hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for forming emotions, translating short-term memory into long-term memory, and concentration. It also confirmed the negative effects of alcohol on the density and volume of gray matter. It turns out that drinking harms all the channels of sensory perception of the world: not only sight, hearing and touch, but also all the same memory, emotions and speech. So if you have become suspiciously often forget the keys at home, lose the phone in your backpack and leave the store without shopping, you should remember how much alcohol you have drunk lately. And adjust your lifestyle. 5. It takes more and more alcohol to get intoxicated Evolution is designed so that living organisms get used to and adapt to everything. This is a necessary survival trait for any creature. But sometimes a useful mechanism turns out to be degradation. One such example is the development of a tolerance to alcohol. At first, a couple of sips of wine are enough for a state of slight euphoria. Then, a full glass is needed for the intoxication effect. And then it begins to seem that the bottle has no effect whatsoever. But this is no reason to rejoice – such changes only show that the body loses the ability to perceive alcohol as a toxin.

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